4 reasons to be a freelancer - Point For Tech

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Sunday, November 4, 2018

4 reasons to be a freelancer

You can pick from actually many causes to turn into a freelancer or entrepreneur, but some appear more than others. This article gives an overview of 4 of the most famous reasons that people decide to go out on their own and begin a business rather than staying in a safe, secure field of employment. 
reasons to be a freelancer , point4tech.com

Be Your Own Boss
The most widespread reason for getting started as afreelancer is the option to be your own boss. Forget about following boss rules and orders, forget about being clocked in and out of the office, forget about walking up everyday morning, running down the streets because you are worried about being late, now you are the captain of your own ship, and that’s a wonderful way to feel.
Your Time is Your Own
Forget about 9 AM to 5 PM except if you want to work during this time period. Some other people feel that they are most productive between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m., The point is you can (according to your circumstances and productivity) decide the time and number of hours you want to work.
Your Efforts Reward You
The employee is commonly get paid a set salary, and while they might get the periodic bonus, much of that generally rely on how others work, too. If you’re a usual employee of a company which generates no money, you still get paid. In contrast, you often don’t get an extra if your work brings in a lot of money for your organization. On the other hand, freelancers and owners of online businesses get paid out for the work that they do and the outcomes they make. 

The more they work, the more they get paid. The better results they create, the better they get paid. Every bit of work you do benefits you and only you-no more subsidizing the lazy guy/girl who spends all day talking about work without doing any. The money’s yours.
You’ll Gain Confidence
The world will be totally different when you’re the boss. People start to see you in a different way. Plus, you’ll deal with client meetings, relations, sales, etc. on your own without managers or a company of colleagues, etc.

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